Excellent Guitar Man!

It’s been sometime since we’ve covered musical offerings here, but last night an escape from political downfalls and Welsh musings appeared in the form of Chris Moreton, a truly excellent guitarist. Some video snippets from last nights entertainment can be found below, and if you have the time they are well worth an indulgence – an excellent talent with fingers born for picking! Enjoy!




More from Chris to be had here: http://chrismoretonmusic.com/

  1. Nice stuff! but can I do a little bit of self promotion– as a Welsh musician working in Italy. My Italian musician friends know better than to call me ‘Inglese’ . . I was introduced as such on stage at a Festival in Calabria when somoene — I know not who- shouted from the audience– in Italian– ‘don’t say that . . he gets really f—— off- he’s Welsh!”


  2. Glad you enjoyed it, it was an epic night of finger picking!

    Excellent – keep up the good work raising the profile of Wales in Italy (you might want to check out some of the more recent postings which concentrate on recent travels around Rome)!

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